Weekly Roundup June 21 2013

Sheldon Adelson Once Again Speaks Out Against Online Gambling
This Weekly Roundup starts with a bizarre opinion piece published on Forbes. The article was written by the CEO of Las Vegas Sands, parent company of the Venetian. Mr. Adelson ranted about his opposition to online gambling in all forms, calling it fool’s gold, a cancer and a toxin. Adelson also took to Bloomberg to again protest any type of online gambling expansion, even calling on Congress to outright ban it. This drew the ire of the online gambling industry as it seems like an odd position for the richest casino mogul in the world to hold.
US Versus Lawrence DiCristina IGBA Case
The US Department of Justice in the eastern District of New York charged Lawrence DiCristina with violating the Illegal Gambling Business act of 1970 (IGBA). DiCristina was found guilty by a jury in his first trial, but the judge set aside the verdict, stating that poker was a game of skill and did not qualify as a gambling game under the IGBA. The DOJ appealed the case. Diamond Flush wrote extensively about the appeal that was heard by the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.
Ultimate Poker to Giveaway $1 Million This Summer
Ultimate Poker announced through Pokerfuse.com that it would be giving away $1 million this summer. The promotion starts today with a $50 deposit bonus. Any player that deposits $50 or more before 11:59pm on June 22nd will receive a $50 bonus by playing at least 100 raked hands by June 25th at 11:59pm. A raked hand counts as long as any amount of rake was taken and the player was dealt cards in the hand. There will also be a UFC promotion as well as random winners of cash prizes. This move is in response to the inevitable competition coming from sites like WSOP.com. Ultimate Poker is currently the only regulated online poker room in the US and is only available to players located in Nevada at the time of play.
PokerStars Settles with Kentucky
PokerStars settled a case in Kentucky dating back to 2008 when the State made a claim on 141 domain names it claimed were owned by companies operating illegally. PokerStars settled the claims on Pokerstars.com and Fulltiltpoker.com for just over $6 million. This news came just a few days after Mark Scheinberg, the current CEO of PokerStars, reached a $50 million civil settlement with the US Department of Justice.
New Jersey Sets Deadline for Online Gambling License Applications
The New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement announced that all companies that wish to operate in the State’s regulated online gambling industry will be required to apply for an interactive license by June 30, 2013. Companies will then have an additional 30 days to disclose their partnerships. New Jersey hopes to have online gambling live on November 26, 2013.