Weekly Roundup June 7th 2013

Federal Online Gambling Bill Introduced
A federal bill that would regulate online poker and casino games was released by Representative Peter King (R-NY) this week. While online poker players are excited about the bill, states and politicians are less than enthusiastic. The bill leaves enough to be desired at every angle, even for those wishing to see a federal bill. Anti gambling opponents will be unable to find a positive in this bill that legalizes everything from slot machines to video craps. States will be unhappy about being opted in unless they explicitly opt out of the bill. This is a fine attempt at bringing online to the mainstream, but it is likely dead on arrival. The full text of the bill is here.
Massachusetts Online Gambling Bill Unconstitutional
Massachusetts has legalized four casinos in the state. Three of these casinos will be on state land, while the fourth will be on tribal land. Several politicians have proposed bringing online gambling into the picture. The Massachusetts’s Attorney General says not so fast. In his opinion, online gambling is unconstitutional. Online gambling seems to be a stretch considering brick and mortar casinos are not live. For now, Massachusetts online gamblers will have to wait until at least live casinos are launched to enjoy their internet counterparts.
Illinois Gambling Bill is Dead
Illinois lawmakers debated expanding gambling in the state for the entire 2013 legislative session. The first bill that would have allowed racinos and other live gambling was vetoed by Governor Pat Quinn. Online gambling was later added to a new bill. The latter version died, as did any hope for online gambling in Illinois. The state will have to find other ways to help fund its ailing pension fund.
Avoine Case Dismissed Against Absolute Poker
Avoine lost their claim on the assets of Absolute Poker and sister site Ultimate Bet this week. This means that players that hope to receive at least a portion of their balances have at least a little more hope that there may one day be payments. The chances of a liquidation returning anything to players are near zero. The best case scenario is probably five cents on the dollar. It also seems unlikely that the Department of Justice will return any seized assets to players.